Saturday, December 10, 2016

Roseville, CA Eating Disorder Treatment on eating at the Homes of Others

If you are working on managing an eating disorder, one of the biggest challenges you may face is eating at the home of friends and acquaintances. In your own home or when you’re away from home but on your own, you are in control of what you eat and when you eat it. In social settings, you don’t have as much control and that can be difficult. However, as we tell the people we work with at our eating disorder treatment in Roseville, CA center, you definitely can make it through these events without throwing a wrench in your recovery.

The Power of Planning Ahead

As you look ahead to sharing a meal with others at their home, here are some strategies to keep in mind for keeping your eating disorder recovery on track. Read more on this article:

Thursday, December 8, 2016

California Eating Disorder Recovery Center on Fast Food and Binge Eating

As obesity becomes a more prevalent health concern in our country, it’s not surprising that certain foods become vilified. Items that fall into the “fast food” category are among the most targeted. However, as we tell people at our eating disorder recovery center in California, the key to overcoming binge eating is not to avoid certain foods at all cost, it’s learning to eat any food in moderation.

About Binge Eating Disorder

Binge eating disorder is a psychiatric illness. It is the most common eating disorder in the U.S. Behaviors of those with the condition include eating beyond the point of satiation, eating large amounts of food even when not hungry to begin with, eating rapidly, and experiencing feelings of guilt, embarrassment, or disgust after eating. Read more on this article:

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Teen eating Disorder Recovery Center Says Start Slowly When Exercising

Exercise in moderation is an important part of staying healthy, both physically and mentally. However for some people who suffer from an eating disorder, the need to exercise can become obsessive and can ultimately do more harm than good, becoming a form of self-punishment rather than enjoyment. When people seeking teen eating disorder recovery ask about returning to an exercise program while they are recovering, we encourage them to transition back to exercising gradually and cautiously.

Resuming Exercise Responsibly

Like eating, exercising is something that should be intuitive. Our bodies should tell us how much and how often we should workout. But with an eating disorder, that natural mind/body connection can become damaged or broken entirely. Reestablishing it takes time, experimentation, and patience. Read more on this article:

Sunday, December 4, 2016

How to Help a Spouse at Bulimia Treatment Centers in Roseville

Spouses or partners of a person with binge eating disorder (BED) often find the condition to be nearly as painful for them as for their loved one. There are many reasons for this, but as we tell the people we work with at our anorexia, binge eating, and bulimia treatment centers in California, it’s important to work through the pain so you can help get the person on the road to recovery.

From a Partner’s Perspective

One of the difficulties for the spouse of a person with BED is that the condition is hard to identify. First, it is associated with a behavior we all partake in everyday — eating — but is a matter of degree, which can be hard to gauge. Is the person really eating as much right now as it appears? Maybe they skipped lunch and are famished now. Read more on this article:

Friday, December 2, 2016

Adolescent Binge Eating Disorder Treatment Center on Emotional Eating

We know from working with young people at our adolescent binge eating disorder treatment center in Roseville, CA that controlling the emotions that lead to binge eating is no easy task. However, there are steps you can take whenever this type of situation arises that, with practice, can help you maintain control of your eating. Read more on this article:

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Tips for Cultivating Happiness from a California Anorexia Recovery Center

While the song lyrics “don’t worry, be happy” may seem like very superficial advice, especially to someone struggling with an eating disorder, they do point to a fact that can be helpful: we can choose to focus on being happy. At our California anorexia recovery center, we tell the people we work with that a positive attitude can be a very powerful addition to their recovery efforts.

Fake it Until You Make it

The key to overcoming an eating disorder is developing the ability to eat mindfully. And mindfulness comes much more easily and naturally when we’re content and happy. Consequently, time spent on cultivating happiness is time well spent. Read more on this article:

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Redefine Your Identity says Teen Eating Disorder Recovery Center

People with eating disorders often come to feel that they are defined by their condition. Even after they have recovered, it seems that their behaviors are “who they are.” Unfortunately, family and friends can reinforce this notion as they react to the now healthier person they same way they did to the person who was in the grip of the illness. At our teen eating disorder recovery center, we tell the people that we work with that they should take steps to redefine their identity after recovery.

You are Not Your Disorder

It goes without saying, but past behaviors should no more continue to define a person who has recovered from an eating disorder than they should a person who has recovered from cancer. A good first step in redefining your identify is to kindly, but firmly let your loved ones know that. Read more from this blog.

Friday, November 4, 2016

California Bulimia Recovery Center says Celebrate Milestones

Eating disorder recovery is a process in which both achievements and setbacks are to be expected. But focusing on the achievements can help you establish momentum toward full healing and long-term happiness. At our California bulimia recovery center, we encourage the people we work with to celebrate the positive milestones on their journey toward a healthier life.

Moving Forward but Not Yet Finished

Reaching milestones can be — and should be — positive in two ways. First, they show that you are making progress. And second, they remind you that there is still work to be done, but that you can do it. What do milestones look like? Here are some examples. Read more on this article.

Saturday, October 29, 2016

California Eating Disorder Treatment Center Shares College Tips

For most college students, life becomes a whirlwind of classes, study sessions, social events, sporting events, and more. For those recovering from an eating disorder, this chaotic lifestyle can pose serious challenges to the progress you’ve made. We tell the people we work with at our eating disorder treatment center in California that focus is the key.

Sticking to the Plan

As part of your eating disorder recovery process, you likely have an eating plan that you and your counselor or dietitian developed. Here are some tips for helping you stick to it even under the pressure of a hectic college life. Read more from this blog.

Monday, October 24, 2016

Roseville Anorexia Treatment Center and Sleep Eating Disorder

Sleep-related eating disorder (SRED) is a condition that was first documented by Dr. C.H. Schenck in 1991. Our Roseville anorexia recovery center has found that it is a disorder in which individuals who are asleep consume large quantities of food in a short time period and then return to bed. In some cases, they have no knowledge of the activity. In others, they remember the episode in vivid detail even though they were asleep.

SRED can be triggered by a recent change in diet, depression, cessation of smoking, or stress, among other life changes. Once underlying triggers are addressed, symptoms of SRED typically dissipate.

What Exactly Is It? Researchers have differing opinions on whether SRED should be classified as an eating disorder or a sleep disorder, as it clearly has aspects of both. Read more on blog page.

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Adolescent Binge Eating Disorder Treatment Talks Movement Therapy

There are many forms of adolescent binge eating disorder treatment. They cover the spectrum from traditional forms of psychotherapy such as talk therapy to medication regimens. A unique form of treatment that is beginning to get more attention is movement therapy. The American Dance Therapy Association (ADTA) says that movement therapy is used in a wide variety of settings, from psychiatric hospitals to outpatient care centers.

Reestablishing the Mind/Body Connection

It’s not uncommon for a person with binge eating disorder to develop a profound disconnect between their mind and their body. In other cases, the disconnect is what led to the eating disorder. Either way, movement therapy can help reestablish that critical connection.

Friday, October 14, 2016

California Eating Disorder Recovery Center on Avoiding “Hanger”

Irrational anger due to being especially hungry (or being “hangry” to use the somewhat recent term for this condition) is something we can all relate to. People sometimes joke about it, but for someone who is in recovery from an eating disorder, it’s no laughing matter. At our eating disorder treatment center in California, we stress that a person should to stick with the recovery/eating plan that has been designed for them. But for those who have entered a less structure phase of their recovery, we encourage them to eat intuitively.

Staying Out of Survival Mode

As the energy from your most recent meal is used up, your glucose level drops. If this process goes too far, your brain feels you are beginning to “starve” and it kicks into survival mode. For some people and under certain conditions, that can manifest as aggression or lashing out. Read more from this blog.

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Bulimia Treatment Centers in Roseville on Retaking Control

If you’re struggling with an eating disorder, it’s likely that you have allowed food to take on characteristics that it really doesn’t have. You’ve given it power over your decision making and therefore over your health and happiness.

The reason or reasons that you’ve done that are issues that you will address over time, but the fact that food has control over some areas of your life is something that you can begin dealing with today. At our bulimia recovery centers in California, we help those battling eating disorders put food in its place.

Retaking Control

Over months and years, and with repeated instances of food “winning” imaginary battles that you’ve had with it in your head, you begin to see it almost as a living thing — a force that has the power to control your life. It’s not alive or capable of dictating your actions, of course, but it becomes nearly impossible to convince yourself of that.

Monday, September 26, 2016

Self-Control Tips with Adolescent Binge Eating Disorder Treatment

It’s a skill that goes by many names — self-control, willpower, self-discipline — but whatever you call it, it’s the ability to decide which impulses you will act on and which you will resist. And the greater the temptation, the harder it is to maintain control. This skill is helpful in all areas of life, and it can be particularly useful in the struggle when receiving adolescent binge eating disorder treatment.

Growing Your Self-Control

In addition to its role in helping people recover from eating disorders, self-discipline has been shown to have other positive benefits. For example, children with more self-control tend to get higher grades, have more friends, and are less likely to take up smoking or binge drinking. So, everyone should practice these tips for increasing willpower:

Saturday, September 24, 2016

Teen Eating Disorder Recovery Center Encourages Less Judging

People with eating disorders often feel that they are being judged by those around them. Whether it’s true or not, they believe people are evaluating their weight, their eating habits, etc. And often their response is to judge others in return. At our teen eating disorder recovery center, we encourage teens to break the cycle by not criticizing others, which helps them feel less criticized themselves.

Simply Experiencing Life

Judging others is a natural behavior. Instinctively we want to know if they are a threat to us or a potential friend or mate. Unfortunately, this behavior often takes a dark turn and we begin seeing danger where none exists, which in turn leads us to believe that others think the same of us.

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

California Eating Disorder Treatment Center Says Men Suffer Too

Although women and girls are more frequently affected by eating disorders, it is important to remember that men and boys suffer from the illness in all its forms as well. And in either gender, eating disorders are severe, life threatening conditions that generally require counseling and treatment to resolve. Consequently, family and friends should be on the lookout for signs of an eating disorder in the men and boys in their life.

Suffering in Silence

It’s difficult to know how prevalent these disorders are in men for two primary reasons. First, many of the assessments used to diagnose these conditions have a gender bias, having been defined for females, and tend to underscore males.

Monday, September 19, 2016

Roseville Anorexia Treatment Center Shares Benefits of Gratitude

When you are struggling with an eating disorder, it may seem like there is nothing to be grateful for. That feeling is understandable. However, when you start actively looking for reasons to be thankful, and begin to cultivate gratitude as a new mindset, it’s surprising what you find. In fact, researchers believe that while many emotions and personality traits have an impact on our sense of well-being, gratitude may be the single most important of them.

What is Gratitude and Why Does it Matter?

Wikipedia defines gratitude as “a feeling or attitude in acknowledgment of a benefit that one has received or will receive.” While it often takes a conscious effort to be grateful when you’re sad, angry, or frustrated, studies show it’s well worth the energy you put into it. Gratitude has been shown to:

Friday, September 16, 2016

Balance is Key Says Roseville CA Eating Disorder Treatment Center

It seems like our lives get busier with each passing year. Most people would agree that they are more overworked and stressed out than ever before. And for those who are struggling with an eating disorder, this stress only intensifies their pain and complicates their recovery.

In response, some people go to the other extreme. Rather than trying to keep up, they simply drop out. They quit their job, cut ties with family and friends, and just generally withdraw. This, of course, feels good initially as stress is eliminated, but it is just as damaging in the long run. At our eating disorder treatment center in Roseville, CA, we emphasize the need for balance.

Sunday, August 28, 2016

Sticking to Your Plan at Anorexia Treatment Center in Roseville

If you are suffering from anorexia, you know the many “reasons” a person can create in their mind for giving up on their recovery efforts. While those excuses may not always (or ever) make it to your conscious thinking, subconsciously you understand how and why people surrender. As we tell people at our anorexia treatment center in Roseville, the key to success is not ignoring the reasons for quitting, it’s exposing them for what they are: inaccurate, habitual, negative thinking. From there you can address each of them and create a plan for breaking their hold on you.

Some of the more common things anorexia sufferers tell themselves include:

“All the popular people are thin.”

This simply isn’t true. Yes, there are people in the “in” crowd who are thin. But if you look around, you’ll see that any crowd worth being a part of includes people of all body types.

Saturday, August 27, 2016

5 Ways Parents Can Promote teen eating disorder Recovery

As the parent of a child suffering from bulimia, you can feel as helpless as they do. There is no pill your child can take for a quick and complete “cure.” Every person’s progress from where they are to where they need to be is different, so it’s difficult for parents to know how they can help facilitate a full recovery. At our teen eating disorder recovery center, we encourage parents to focus less on specific steps they can take and more on creating an environment for healing. This includes:

Being educated. Dealing with a situation you know nothing about can be frustrating and depressing. Learn as much as you can about your child’s condition and the different approaches for treating it. Then share what you’ve learned with them. Your commitment to having the facts will help them feel understood and supported.

Friday, August 26, 2016

Oral Care Tips from a Roseville Bulimia Treatment Center

One of the places where an eating disorder can have a serious impact is in oral health. The repeated exposure of teeth and mouth tissues to stomach acid can cause temporary, or in some cases permanent, damage to teeth. It can also lead to cuts, swelling, and redness on the gums and soft palate. Dry mouth, enlarged salivary glands, and degenerative arthritis in the temporomandibular joint of the jaw (and resulting pain, chronic headaches, etc.) can also be caused by an eating disorder.

That’s the bad news. The good news is there are steps you can take to help prevent or minimize these issues as you work to recover from an eating disorder with the help of the caring staff at our Roseville bulimia treatment center.

Thursday, August 25, 2016

Mindfulness During Adolescent Binge Eating Disorder Treatment

Binge eating often takes place as a way to deal with the stress of an overwhelming number of thoughts and feelings all competing for a person’s attention. The binge eating is a way to calm the mind and hold the thoughts at bay temporarily. Consequently, one of the focuses of adolescent binge eating disorder treatment is helping the patient discover better ways to anticipate and understand their feelings.

What is Mindfulness?

Mindfulness is an ancient technique for gently keeping the mind aware of the present moment. It doesn’t prevent unwanted thoughts from entering your consciousness, but instead acknowledges them and then returns attention back to your current experience.

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Reach Out Says California Eating Disorder Treatment Center

Eating disorders and painful emotions go hand-in-hand, each causing and caused by the other, it seems. One of the most debilitating feelings that arises is the sense of isolation. Loss of self worth, shame, and other dark emotions tend to drive people with eating disorders into seclusion — if not physical, certainly emotional separation. Our California eating disorder treatment center encourages connecting (or re-connecting) with others as a helpful step on the path to recovery.

Of course coming out of isolation isn’t easy. Here are some things you can do to begin to break free of loneliness.

Acknowledge your pain. We are sometimes led to believe that strong, healthy people should never be lonely. Consequently, it’s hard to admit, even to ourselves, that we are sad about our lack of human contact.

Monday, August 22, 2016

California Eating Disorder Treatment Center Shares 5 Focus Areas

As anyone who has recovered from an eating disorder will tell you, it’s not easy. But it is, of course, worth the effort. In working with people at our eating disorder treatment center in California, we emphasize that there are a number of areas of your life that will require specific attention during your recovery. They are all aspects of life that probably just happened naturally before your eating disorder. But being more attentive to them now will help you heal more quickly and more completely.

Stress reduction

Stress is one of the leading causes of eating disorders. The behaviors you engage in, though they are unhealthy, are your way of coping with the stress in your life. Of course there are many healthy ways to soothe yourself — from breathing exercises to taking a walk to meditation and yoga to engaging in hobbies — the key is reminding yourself to pursue them.

Monday, August 1, 2016

3 Tips for Helping Your Loved Ones Teen Eating Disorder Recovery

Finding out that your teen is struggling with an eating disorder can be disheartening. It’s hard to watch someone you love damage their health. While you might think there is a simple solution to end your teen’s struggles, it isn’t always as cut and dry as you might think. Even though you might not be able to force your teen to change, you can help them on the road to recovery by following a few simple tips.

Avoid making comments about their appearance

Your teen is well aware of how they look. If you try to offer a compliment that is centered on their appearance or weight, it will only reinforce their obsession with the way they look and how much they weigh. Talk about things that aren’t related to your teen’s appearance, such as their upcoming basketball game or how a test went in math class.

Sunday, July 31, 2016

Don’t Feel Alone – Binge Eating Disorder Treatment is Out There

The word binge is thrown around a lot these days. Adolescents binge everything from Netflix to social media and even food. It’s all natural in a culture that has plenty to choose from and an everything in moderation mindset. But what’s moderation and what constitutes harmful binging? With substances, consistent binging can eventually turn into an addiction. But to classify binge eating as merely an addiction is problematic. Unlike narcotics, someone with a binge eating disorder can’t simply detox and then abstain from food. We must learn to live in harmony with food and with our bodies.

Saturday, July 30, 2016

Roseville Anorexia Recovery Centers Say Educate Yourself First

How do you help a friend or family member that has an eating disorder? Many people while in the midst of an eating disorder have convinced themselves that there is no problem and any attempts to intervene are met with denials and angry protests. While it’s obvious to you that something is terribly wrong, they’re blind to the symptoms that you are seeing.

If you have someone close to you that you are worried about, there are things you can do that can help them. Before you attempt to help them, the best thing you can do is to learn about eating disorders yourself. There are many myths about the disease and repeating these to your loved one can do more harm than good. Take time to learn what the truth is about eating disorders. You can find information about eating disorders at many anorexia recovery centers in California or other treatment centers.

Friday, July 29, 2016

Eating Disorder Treatment Centers in California Instagram Support

Social media hasn’t always been the kindest to people with eating disorders. There are all kinds of apps today that can alter images to make us look however we want without anyone even knowing. When those distorted photos get posted, this causes a lot of pressure for someone with an eating disorder, especially when the images are unrealistic. People may begin to wonder if there is something wrong with them for not looking like that. But now eating disorder treatment centers in California are seeing that there may be positive effects from social media – specifically Instagram.

Thursday, July 28, 2016

Aiding Your Teen’s Eating Disorder Recovery Through Advocacy

It’s challenging for parents to know how much to involve themselves in their teen’s recovery. When a teen is staying at an eating disorder treatment center in California, the patient and their care team set boundaries. When the teen returns home and her parents want to show their support without stepping into the work still being done, they might consider becoming community advocates for eating disorder causes.

This is just one way to stay active and involved in the recovery of your teen while also healing yourself through the act of service. Giving of your time and efforts is not only cathartic, it’s empowering for anyone recovering or helping another recover from anorexia, bulimia, or binge eating disorder.

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Bulimia Recovery Center in California Says Avoid “Should”

The power of positive thinking Chances are good that you have spent moments thinking about the things that you should and shouldn’t have done at some point in your life. However, it is important to remember that getting too caught up in “should” and “shouldn’t” is something to be mindful of because it can lead into a downwards spiral of negative self-talk that leads nowhere good. Instead, try to do your best to maintain your positive thinking, which can be surprisingly useful for addressing a wide range of personal problems, particularly when combined with the assistance of our bulimia treatment centers in California.

Bulimia Treatment Centers in California and Tips from Survivors

Recovering from and eating disorder is similar to recovering from a drug or alcohol addiction. It takes control of your life and even when you recover you will have to resist the urges on a daily basis. Who knows, you may not feel the need to ever resort to an eating disorder again, but our bulimia treatment centers in California have seen first hand people relapsing. So if you have recently recovered or are currently receiving help at bulimia recovery centers in California, here are three tips from eating disorder survivors that may help during the process to keep you on the right path.

Monday, July 25, 2016

Anorexia Recovery in Roseville Looks at Australian Woman’s Battle

Everyone who has struggled with an eating disorder has a story. One Australian woman named Karlie almost let the illness of anorexia take her life until she realized it was time to fight back. It began in her early twenties after her brother died. It’s not uncommon for someone seeking control of their life after a traumatic event to resort to an eating disorder. Even Karlie admitted, “It was never about the food to me, it was always about control. I’d lost that control and I wanted it back.” Getting it back was one of the hardest parts.

Sunday, July 24, 2016

Opening Up When Facing Adolescent Binge Eating Disorder Treatment

Do you ever feel like it’s difficult to talk to others about yourself? It’s normal to feel scared when opening up to people but the results of actually doing it can be rewarding. Young adults who need adolescent binge eating disorder treatment may have trouble putting themselves out there and instead opt to be alone. They may do it because being alone beats being uncomfortable and overwhelmed. But when it comes to recovering, talking to someone you trust is essential.

Saturday, July 23, 2016

Does Your Roommate Need California Eating Disorder Recovery?

If you believe you are living with someone who may have an eating disorder you may be wondering what you can do to help. It is important to understand the complex lives that people struggling with an eating disorder have. Although they may have gone through treatment at an eating disorder treatment center in California, their recovery process is a lifelong journey. Sometimes they face triggers that could result in a relapse. It is crucial that you take the time to learn about the eating disorder that your roommate has in order to give them the space, support, and respect they need.

Friday, July 22, 2016

Eating Disorder Treatment in Roseville CA by Social Media’s Help

Asking for help should never be seen as anything less than honorable. Asking for help may be seen as a sign of weakness but it is really a sign of strength – especially when it comes to asking for help with battling an eating disorder. Unfortunately, not many are able to afford the prices that go with California eating disorder treatment centers and asking for help can seem burdensome. One option that many people may overlook when figuring out how to meet the expenses of eating disorder treatment in Roseville, CA is social media crowd funding. With the help of social media crowd funding, one can ask for financial assistance and anyone across the web can pitch in. Doesn’t sound so hard, huh?

Teen Eating Disorder Recovery Center Recognizes Men Need Care Too

Why are there more? Eating disorders have typically been associated with young females, but as more research is done we are finding that it isn’t just women who struggle with eating disorders. At the Nightingale Hospital in London, young female adults were still the majority of patients admitted for eating disorder treatment, but there was an increase in young male adults admitted. While the rise wasn’t huge, it still makes us wonder – why?

Friday, June 10, 2016

Sleep Makes Adolescent Binge Eating Disorder Treatment Easier

Not getting enough rest can mess up your entire day. It’s as if you are an electronic device that works best after it’s been plugged in for 8 hours a night. A good night of sleep can help enhance your problem solving skills, creativity, memory, learning ability, and more. Being sleep deprived is commonly linked with mood swings, depression, suicidal thoughts, and a lack of motivation. Many times people with a binge eating disorder are associated with sleep deprived behaviors. Aspire Wellness has adolescent binge eating disorder treatment programs that put a large focus on sleeping well at night. Those who have eating disorders are often stressed which make it difficult to fall asleep and this creates poor sleep habits.

Thursday, June 9, 2016

3 Unsettling Facts Teen Eating Disorder Recovery Center Found

Aspire Wellness, a teen eating disorder recovery center, is always trying to find ways to help bring people out of their shells so that they may feel more comfortable discussing their struggle with bulimia. This mental disease is powerful – only about 1 in 10 Americans get treatment for bulimia, according to the South Carolina Department of Mental Health. But with determination and help from a teen eating disorder recovery center, we are positive that there is a happier life for anyone out there who has ever had an eating disorder. One step that we strongly believe in at Aspire Wellness is bringing awareness to eating disorders. By getting rid of the stigma around eating disorders by discussing them, there is a better chance others will open up about their own personal battles. Sometimes it means just bringing up uncomfortable things to talk about.

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Eating Disorder Treatment Center in California on Physical Health

Everything we’ve ever learned about bulimia from being at Aspire Wellness California eating disorder treatment center is that it will destroy your insides. A few issues that are likely to arise are: Digestive problems Constipation Liver failure Kidney infection Hypo and hyperglycemia Bone thinning Infertility More! It is just astounding the complications that come along with bulimia. But it doesn’t end there. If you thought the insides were the only part that got demolished, then you’d be wrong. California eating disorder recovery center, Aspire Wellness, sees the physical appearance of someone suffering from bulimia everyday – and it can be disturbing. In many cases you may never even know a friend or a loved one has this illness because people with bulimia are very good at hiding it.

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Bulimia Recovery Centers in California on TV Star's Struggles

Recovery is possible for everyone! Coming out about an eating disorder can be intimidating and overwhelming. It is incredibly scary to tell someone what you’ve been going through because you might think they will judge you and this places you in a vulnerable position. But coming out to people is not the enemy. Keeping that eating disorder inside is. Here at Aspire Wellness bulimia treatment centers in Roseville, we understand that it’s a lot easier said than done to receive treatment for an eating disorder. But we also want you to know that recovery is possible for anyone. Traumatic events can bring on an eating disorder Star of the 90s sitcom “Full House” and recent “Fuller House”, Candace Cameron Bure has talked about her struggle in the past with bulimia. But because bringing awareness to eating disorders is incredibly crucial, she continues to talk about it often.

Monday, June 6, 2016

California Recovery Center for Anorexia Shares Girl's Long Battle

The first ever National Eating Recovery Day just recently passed – but everything it stands for lives on. The whole point of National Eating Recovery Day is meant for people who have struggled or who are currently struggling to talk about what they’ve gone through and let go of the stigma that eating disorders possess. Founding Partner and Chief Executive Officer of Eating Recovery Center, Ken Weiner, MD stated: “Eating disorders can impact anyone – men and women, young and old and all economic classes and races. Despite the high mortality rate, there is still a stigma and many people avoid seeking treatment and are unaware of how serious and life-altering disorders can be. To make an impactful change, it is imperative to build awareness and create better understanding that recovery is possible through proper treatment.”

Sunday, June 5, 2016

4 Encouraging Tips For California Eating Disorder Recovery

Recovery may seem impossible for those suffering from an eating disorder. It is a mental illness that takes much time, patience, and specific treatment to heal from. If there is someone you know and love who could use assistance from an eating disorder treatment center in California, do you know how you can help them in the meantime? Most family members and friends are at a loss when something like this occurs in one of their loved ones. No one can just be expected to know what to say or do when someone has an eating disorder. Aspire Wellness, a California eating disorder treatment center in California, works with people every day who have eating disorders and knows that there are ways you can help out! Try these steps to make recovery easier: Get a good understanding of what their eating disorder is Not being aware of what your loved one is going through will make it more difficult understanding them and being sensitive to their feelings.

Sunday, May 22, 2016

Eating Disorder Center in California Find Veterans Need Saving

In 2013, the Department of Defense found a study that more than 3,500 service members were diagnosed with eating disorders within the last 10 years. Just in 2015 the number was 1,041. A military member faces more stress than anyone could imagine. From the physically demanding lifestyle to the exposure to war – people in the military face traumatic situations on a daily basis. Military members have to relocate constantly, separate from their families, and we believe that they can fully fight for our country without any repercussions? Now that’s just asking too much. The National Eating Disorder Association tells us that many military members are afflicted with various eating disorders, but as far as getting help from an eating disorder center in California or wherever they are located – that is the part that doesn’t happen often.

Saturday, May 21, 2016

Learning to Love Yourself During Anorexia Recovery in Roseville

Most people don’t realize that one of the most important people to love in your life is yourself. It basically means to care and respect yourself. The love you have for yourself, or lack thereof, affects your relationships, work and life in general. Many people who struggle with an eating disorder don’t love themselves. It’s sad watching someone you love struggle with this concept. You would think that it was simple, but loving yourself takes time as does any important relationship. So how does one begin to love themselves? Anorexia treatment center in Roseville, Aspire Wellness, teaches people struggling with an eating disorder to learn to love and accept themselves for who they are. With the right support and guidance from anorexia centers in California, family, and friends – love can find a way.

Friday, May 20, 2016

Adolescent Binge Eating Disorder Treatment Makes Your Life Easier

Trying to recover from binge eating disorder is no easy feat. Some people think it’s just about self-control – but it’s not. Binge eating is a serious illness that 7 million Americans suffer from. Even after adolescent binge eating disorder treatment, coping with this disease may be difficult for some time. But the best way to stay committed and secure is through the support of a loved one. Licensed health psychologist, Julie Friedman, Ph.D., stated, “Patients with binge eating disorder are really isolated. You can’t recover alone and you can’t recover in a bubble.” Friedman is right – the best way to heal has to be done in a way that allows you to be vulnerable otherwise you will always be hiding from your disorder. Keep these in mind while recovering in order to make your life a little bit easier.

Thursday, May 19, 2016

California Eating Disorder Treatment Center on Battling Relapse

When you have an eating disorder there may be times where you want to give up. There may be times after your recovery at California eating disorder treatment centers, where you want to ignore all the hard work you’ve done and go back to your old ways. Well, Aspire Wellness has some suggestions to help keep you on track. You’ve worked hard to get to where you are and you are too important to let a bad time get in the way of your recovery. If your mind starts focusing on things it shouldn’t be, it doesn’t mean you are failing. It means that you need support, which is only normal. So in those times of complete frustration and utter chaos – we want you to try out these exercises in hopes of preventing a relapse.

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Do Schools With More Girls Need Teen Eating Disorder Recovery?

The typical stereotype One of the biggest myths of an eating disorder is that it is a “girl thing.” But everything we have learned about eating disorders points at how it is not gender specific. Teen eating disorder recovery center, Aspire Wellness, teaches that eating disorders affect all people of all ages, genders, and ethnicities. However, a recent study done in Sweden discovered many young females suffer from eating disorders when amongst a higher number of females. The research found that girls who go to a school where it is predominately girls are more likely to be diagnosed with an eating disorder. And while this does not mean eating disorders are just a “girl thing,” it does leave us with a lot of questions. With data comes understanding With this information a lot of questions arise but unfortunately there isn’t enough data to confirm anything yet.

Bulimia Treatment Centers in Roseville on Local Artist’s Therapy

Art is such a wonderful tool used to help people express themselves creatively. Its therapeutic ways have even gone as far as being a source of healing for many while undergoing some sort of trauma. In one specific case, Sacramento native – Ramona Garcia, used art to help her recover from her eating disorder. Culture shock When Garcia’s eating disorder happened, it was due to a traumatic event in her life – moving to West Sacramento from Mexico. The culture shock hit her in a way that she wasn’t able to understand at the time. She was only 13, no grasp on the English language, and everyone looked very different from her. Bulimia treatment centers in Roseville, might suggest that all of the confusion with her difference in appearance and lack of control that Garcia felt lead to her eating disorder.

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Bulimia Recovery Center in Roseville Treats Young Athletes

Perfectionism is a trait that can haunt someone suffering from an eating disorder or even a young athlete. Unfortunately, sometimes the three are connected. Less will not make your body stronger Bulimia treatment centers in California has found research on young athletes commonly being linked with eating disorders after the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) conducted a study on 1,445 Division 1 athletes. PsyD LP Clinical director at Melrose Center, Heather Gallivan discovered that many young athletes felt the need to lose weight in order to be faster, smaller, lighter, or for other reasons they felt would help them perform at a higher level in their sport. From the study Gallivan explained, “One in four female athletes and one in 10 male athletes are at higher risk for anorexia than the general population.”

Monday, April 4, 2016

Transgenders More Likely to Need Teen Eating Disorder Recovery

It has always been a stereotype that young women are more likely to be susceptible to an eating disorder than any other group of people. Research is now telling us that teen eating disorder recovery is needed amongst transgender youth more than ever before. Researchers find that transgender youth turn to eating disorders due to confusion and anxiety linked with gender dysphoria. Founder of the Eating Disorder Resource Center, Dr. Judith Brisman, explains how gender dysphoria is not kind on transgender people. Many people who deal with gender dysphoria were assigned a sex at birth that they are not at all comfortable with as they grow into their bodies.