Sunday, August 28, 2016
Sticking to Your Plan at Anorexia Treatment Center in Roseville
If you are suffering from anorexia, you know the many “reasons” a person can create in their mind for giving up on their recovery efforts. While those excuses may not always (or ever) make it to your conscious thinking, subconsciously you understand how and why people surrender. As we tell people at our anorexia treatment center in Roseville, the key to success is not ignoring the reasons for quitting, it’s exposing them for what they are: inaccurate, habitual, negative thinking. From there you can address each of them and create a plan for breaking their hold on you.
Some of the more common things anorexia sufferers tell themselves include:
“All the popular people are thin.”
This simply isn’t true. Yes, there are people in the “in” crowd who are thin. But if you look around, you’ll see that any crowd worth being a part of includes people of all body types.
Saturday, August 27, 2016
5 Ways Parents Can Promote teen eating disorder Recovery
As the parent of a child suffering from bulimia, you can feel as helpless as they do. There is no pill your child can take for a quick and complete “cure.” Every person’s progress from where they are to where they need to be is different, so it’s difficult for parents to know how they can help facilitate a full recovery. At our teen eating disorder recovery center, we encourage parents to focus less on specific steps they can take and more on creating an environment for healing. This includes:
Being educated. Dealing with a situation you know nothing about can be frustrating and depressing. Learn as much as you can about your child’s condition and the different approaches for treating it. Then share what you’ve learned with them. Your commitment to having the facts will help them feel understood and supported.
Friday, August 26, 2016
Oral Care Tips from a Roseville Bulimia Treatment Center
One of the places where an eating disorder can have a serious impact is in oral health. The repeated exposure of teeth and mouth tissues to stomach acid can cause temporary, or in some cases permanent, damage to teeth. It can also lead to cuts, swelling, and redness on the gums and soft palate. Dry mouth, enlarged salivary glands, and degenerative arthritis in the temporomandibular joint of the jaw (and resulting pain, chronic headaches, etc.) can also be caused by an eating disorder.
That’s the bad news. The good news is there are steps you can take to help prevent or minimize these issues as you work to recover from an eating disorder with the help of the caring staff at our Roseville bulimia treatment center.
Thursday, August 25, 2016
Mindfulness During Adolescent Binge Eating Disorder Treatment
Binge eating often takes place as a way to deal with the stress of an overwhelming number of thoughts and feelings all competing for a person’s attention. The binge eating is a way to calm the mind and hold the thoughts at bay temporarily. Consequently, one of the focuses of adolescent binge eating disorder treatment is helping the patient discover better ways to anticipate and understand their feelings.
What is Mindfulness?
Mindfulness is an ancient technique for gently keeping the mind aware of the present moment. It doesn’t prevent unwanted thoughts from entering your consciousness, but instead acknowledges them and then returns attention back to your current experience.
Wednesday, August 24, 2016
Reach Out Says California Eating Disorder Treatment Center
Eating disorders and painful emotions go hand-in-hand, each causing and caused by the other, it seems. One of the most debilitating feelings that arises is the sense of isolation. Loss of self worth, shame, and other dark emotions tend to drive people with eating disorders into seclusion — if not physical, certainly emotional separation. Our California eating disorder treatment center encourages connecting (or re-connecting) with others as a helpful step on the path to recovery.
Of course coming out of isolation isn’t easy. Here are some things you can do to begin to break free of loneliness.
Acknowledge your pain. We are sometimes led to believe that strong, healthy people should never be lonely. Consequently, it’s hard to admit, even to ourselves, that we are sad about our lack of human contact.
Monday, August 22, 2016
California Eating Disorder Treatment Center Shares 5 Focus Areas
As anyone who has recovered from an eating disorder will tell you, it’s not easy. But it is, of course, worth the effort. In working with people at our eating disorder treatment center in California, we emphasize that there are a number of areas of your life that will require specific attention during your recovery. They are all aspects of life that probably just happened naturally before your eating disorder. But being more attentive to them now will help you heal more quickly and more completely.
Stress reduction
Stress is one of the leading causes of eating disorders. The behaviors you engage in, though they are unhealthy, are your way of coping with the stress in your life. Of course there are many healthy ways to soothe yourself — from breathing exercises to taking a walk to meditation and yoga to engaging in hobbies — the key is reminding yourself to pursue them.
Monday, August 1, 2016
3 Tips for Helping Your Loved Ones Teen Eating Disorder Recovery
Finding out that your teen is struggling with an eating disorder can be disheartening. It’s hard to watch someone you love damage their health. While you might think there is a simple solution to end your teen’s struggles, it isn’t always as cut and dry as you might think. Even though you might not be able to force your teen to change, you can help them on the road to recovery by following a few simple tips.
Avoid making comments about their appearance
Your teen is well aware of how they look. If you try to offer a compliment that is centered on their appearance or weight, it will only reinforce their obsession with the way they look and how much they weigh. Talk about things that aren’t related to your teen’s appearance, such as their upcoming basketball game or how a test went in math class.
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