Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Eating Disorder Treatment in Roseville, CA Provides Tips for Managing Eating During a Chronic Illness

Chronic illnesses are challenging under any circumstances. From the doctor appointments and treatment regimens, to physical limitations, to hopes for healing that don’t always materialize, they can be very draining and disheartening. When you add an eating disorder to the mix, both conditions seem to be magnified. The people we work with at our center for eating disorder treatment in Roseville, CA are sometimes battling a chronic illness as well. If that’s the case, we share tips with them on how to keep making progress in recovery.

Why it’s Hard to Eat Healthy When You’re Sick

Anyone who’s ever had even a short-term illness can relate to why it’s difficult to eat well when you’re not feeling well: Read more from this blog.

Monday, April 24, 2017

Learn to be Vulnerable Says Center for Eating Disorder Recovery in California

Quite often our ego and our upbringing combine to make us think that we must be strong and independent at all times, and that we should never let our guard down. For those with an eating disorder, that belief can be especially strong. Unfortunately, that approach to life can lead to all kinds of problems, from raising our stress level to damaging our relationships. At the Aspire Wellness center for eating disorder recovery in California, we encourage the people we work with to learn to be vulnerable.

The Benefits of Vulnerability

Contrary to popular belief, being open and accessible can provide a number of health mental and emotional health benefits. When you start allowing yourself to be vulnerable, you will: Read more from this blog.

Saturday, April 22, 2017

Home Changes that Support Recovery from an Adolescent Binge Eating Disorder Treatment Center

No doubt about it: recovering from an eating disorder is difficult. In order to be successful, you need to do everything you can to stack the deck in your favor. As we tell the families we work with at our adolescent binge eating disorder treatment center, there are many steps you can take around your home to increase your chances of staying on the road to recovery.

5 Environmental Changes that Improve Your Odds

It is a well-known fact in many areas of psychology that environment plays a pivotal role in behavioral change. Here are five things you can do to ensure that your home environment is working in your favor when it comes to recovering from an eating disorder: Read more on this article.

Thursday, April 20, 2017

Anorexia Recovery Center in Roseville Stresses the Importance of Intervention When a Loved One Seems Suicidal

For people with an eating disorder, life is very difficult — sometimes so difficult that they’re not sure they want to go on living. For their loved ones, it can be challenging to know when behavior is a sign of understandable sadness and frustration and when it is an indicator of something more serious. At our anorexia recovery center in Roseville, we tell families that if they get any sense at all that a person is suicidal, it’s best to intervene immediately.

What Drives the Increased Suicide Risk?

While it’s impossible to say exactly what makes a particular person with an eating disorder have a higher risk of suicidal thoughts or actions, there are many factors that may play a role. They fall into a number of different areas including: Read more from this blog.

Monday, April 17, 2017

Teen Eating Disorder Recovery Center Describes Body Dysmorphic Disorder

Body dysmorphic disorder (BDD) is a condition in which a person has uncontrollable negative thoughts about a perceived physical flaw. They experience intense preoccupation with imagined or slight defects in their appearance that causes severe emotional distress and interferes with their daily life. While BDD and eating disorders are different conditions, a person can be diagnosed with both. At our teen eating disorder recovery center, we ensure that anyone exhibiting symptoms of BDD gets the care they need.

BDD Specifics

While most people have something they don’t like about their appearance, that feature doesn’t keep them from enjoying life. People with BDD, on the other hand, may spend hours at a time worrying about their perceived flaw and attempting to change or hide it. They refuse to believe people who say the flaw is minor or nonexistent, and may begin to avoid social situations and isolate themselves. Read more on this article.

Saturday, April 15, 2017

Bulimia Recovery Center in California Shares the Benefits of Letting Go of Your Need to Know

It’s safe to say that very few people enjoy uncertainty in their life. When we’re watching a movie, it may be fun to be left in the dark about what will happen next to the characters, but when it’s real life and we are the “character,” we don’t like ambiguity. That’s especially true for dysregulated eaters. Unfortunately, uncertainty is a part of life. In fact, when you think about it, very little in our lives is certain to any degree. That’s why we encourage the people we work with at our bulimia recovery center in California to let go of their “need to know.”

Why It’s Important to Get Rid of the Crystal Ball

Yes, it’s a natural human tendency to want to know how the events in our life will unfold. However, when that desire moves from a casual curiosity to a constant need, it becomes a problem. Why? There are a number of reasons: Read more from this blog.