Thursday, May 25, 2017

How Yoga Can Help with Eating Disorder Recovery from a Bulimia Treatment Center in California

Those who practice yoga will gladly tell you about the many ways it has had a positive impact on their life. For people in eating disorder recovery it can be especially helpful. As we tell people at our bulimia treatment center in California, yoga can help you renew your healthy relationship with, and respect for, your body when it has been lost due to your illness.

Reconnecting with Your Body

Here are some of the ways that a yoga practice can help you get back in touch with your body and learn to love it with all its imperfections. Read more on this article:

Saturday, May 20, 2017

Eating Disorder Recovery for Teens Gives Tips for Planning a Vacation When in Recovery

Family vacations… they can be a great way to see new sights, strengthen bonds with loved ones, and make lasting memories. However, as we tell families at our eating disorder recovery for teens, vacations can have a whole new meaning for a person who is in recovery.

From Getting Away to Getting Anxious

A teenager recovering from an eating disorder may look at a family vacation from a whole different perspective. For them, going out of town can mean temporarily abandoning safe, familiar routines, having to deal with the expectations of strangers at restaurants, and being far from friends, counselors, and other sources of support. Read more on this article:

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Anorexia Recovery in Roseville Explains the Connection Between Perfectionism and Eating Disorders

While perfectionists may have a life that looks appealing to others — excellent grades, an impressive career, a “put together” look, etc. — it often comes at a high cost. If you’re in or contemplating anorexia recovery in Roseville, it’s important to see the connection between perfectionism and eating disorders.

The Comparison Culture

We see them all around us every day: images of perfection. In ads, in TV shows and movies, in Social Media, they’re everywhere. Whether the message is direct or read between the lines it’s there: you need to be the best, the smartest, the most attractive. It’s no wonder so many people are perfectionists.
The connection between being a perfectionist and having an eating disorder is, in part, the desire to control things. With so many aspects of life being outside of a person’s control, people with eating disorders want to have complete and total control of the food that goes into their body. It’s their way of bringing some order to a very chaotic and disordered world. Read more on this article:

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Cooking in Recovery: 4 Reasons It’s Helpful from an Eating Disorder Treatment Center in California

Some people might think that being in recovery from an eating disorder means being very strict about exposure to and consumption of food. However, it’s just the opposite. As we tell people at our eating disorder treatment center in California, recovery is about a lot of things, but one of them is establishing a whole new relationship with food. And one of the best ways to do that is through cooking.
Reestablishing a Healthy Relationship with Food
Here are some reasons why cooking is great therapy for someone who is in recovery from an eating disorder and is looking to reconnect in a positive way with food.
  1. Cooking can take you back to simpler times. For most people, certain foods are forever linked with memories of their childhood. It might be a Saturday morning pancake breakfast or a big bowl of pasta enjoyed family style. Whatever it is, cooking it today can help transport you to a time when eating was relaxed and pleasurable.
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Monday, May 15, 2017

Adolescent Binge Eating Disorder Treatment Centers Explains the Difference Between Overeating and Binge Eating

First identified in 2013, binge eating disorder (BED) is the newest eating disorder to be formally recognized and added to the American Psychiatric Association’s Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. It is a psychiatric illness that affects millions of people worldwide and can have serious ramifications if left untreated. Unfortunately, people often misjudge BED as a simple “lack of willpower” or an uncontrolled desire for food. At our adolescent binge eating disorder treatment center we explain that that’s far from the truth.

What are the Symptoms of BED?

People with BED exhibit certain behaviors and experience certain emotional states that help identify the illness. Read more on this article:

Sunday, May 14, 2017

Anorexia Recovery Center in California Shares Tips for Using Social Media Wisely

It’s hard to find a person these days who doesn’t spend at least a little time each day on social media. There are many positive and uplifting aspects of interacting with others online. Unfortunately, there has always been, and will always be, a darker side to the web. Haters, body shamers, and others can turn social media into a weapon aimed at people with eating disorders. As we tell people at our anorexia recovery center in California, it’s important to use social media wisely.
Common Sense Guidelines for Getting the Most Out of Social Media
Here are some tips for helping ensure that your time on the web is enlightening and encouraging:
  • Seek positive influences. As mentioned above, there are many upbeat individuals, organizations, and companies with a presence on social media. Find them, follow them, like them. Their posts can be a great source of education and inspiration. From breaking news to best practices, they can provide all kinds of helpful information.
Read more from this blog.

Friday, May 12, 2017

California Eating Disorder Recovery Center Talks About Postpartum

Postpartum depression (PPD) is a type of clinical depression that appears after childbirth. It is estimated that one in seven new mothers will struggle with PPD. In our work at our California eating disorder recovery center, it’s not uncommon to see PPD result in the resurfacing of an eating disorder in a woman who has previously recovered from it.
Symptoms of PPD can include:
  • Changes in sleeping and eating patterns
  • Intense sadness
  • Crying episodes
  • Low energy
  • Difficulty bonding with the baby
  • Reduced desire for sex
  • Ideations or intentions of hurting yourself or your baby
  • Anxiety, and irritability
While many women experience some of these symptoms for a short time after giving birth, if they are severe or last more than a few weeks, it may be that the new mother is suffering from PPD. Read more from this blog.

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Teen Eating Disorder Recovery Center Shares Thoughts on Dealing with Loss During Recovery

Dealing with the many ups and downs of eating disorder recovery can be extremely challenging. Losing a loved one during that process amplifies the pain of both experiences and can throw the upward trajectory of your healing into a downward spiral. However, as we discuss with the people we work with at our teen eating disorder recovery center, you can make it through this very difficult time.

The Stages of Grieving

One of the keys to surviving the loss of a loved one while in recovery is understanding that grieving is a process. And while everyone’s grief experience is different, there are some well-defined stages that people pass through. Read more on this article:

Great Way to Help Others Improve Their Body Image From an Adolescent Binge Eating Disorder Treatment Center

Learning to love your body at any size or in any shape is something that each person has to do on their own. But that doesn’t mean that we can’t help one another improve our body image! At our adolescent binge eating disorder treatment center, we encourage people to help those they love gain a more positive perspective.
It’s Not What You Look Like But Who You Are
If you know someone who has a difficult time with body image, try some of these things to help them get focused on what matters:
  1. Tell them you care about them and why you do. Unfortunately, it’s far too easy to tie our sense of self-worth to our looks. “If I’m not thin/curvy/tall/short/athletic/etc. enough, I don’t deserve people’s love and respect.” Sharing with your friend all the things you love about them can help them see those characteristics as important and valuable.
Read more from this blog.

Monday, May 8, 2017

Bulimia Recovery center in California Shows Warning Signs

Bulimia nervosa, or simply bulimia, is an eating disorder in which a person binge eats and then purges the food. While induced vomiting is the method most people associate with bulimia, people with this condition may also take laxatives. In addition, as we explain to people at our Bulimia recovery center in California, they may attempt to lose weight by using diuretics or stimulants, through water fasting, or by exercising excessively.
A Difficult Disorder to Recognize
Because people with bulimia tend to be very secretive about their behavior, and because it doesn’t always or immediately result in dramatic weight loss, it can be difficult to detect that anything is wrong. Read more from this blog.

Sunday, May 7, 2017

The Truth About Juice Cleansing from an Eating Disorder Recovery Center in California

Fruit and vegetable juice can be a healthy part of a balanced diet. But what happens when a person consumes nothing but these juices for days or weeks at a time in order to “cleanse” their body of toxins? Proponents say it can improve your health. However, at our eating disorder recovery center in California, we emphasize the importance of eating meals that cover all the food groups and don’t restrict you to certain types of nutrients.

Your Body Cleanses Itself Naturally

Contrary to what juicing advocates will tell you, your body is fully capable of ridding itself of toxins. Your gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, liver, and other systems work in concert to remove harmful materials from your body. As long as you are eating balanced meals, there’s no reason to eliminate any food from your diet, even just for a few days. Read more on this article:

Saturday, May 6, 2017

Teen Eating Disorder Recovery Center Provides 4 Tips for People with Autism

Autism is a neurological disorder that causes impaired social interaction, limited verbal and nonverbal communication, and repetitive behavior. It is estimated to affect as many as 25 million people worldwide. While the condition manifests differently in everyone, it’s not uncommon for it to impact a person’s behaviors in a way that makes them susceptible to developing an eating disorder. As we tell the people we work with at our teen eating disorder recovery center, there are certain things people with autism can do to help ensure they make positive progress. Read more from this blog.