Thursday, March 9, 2017

5 Tips for Helping Kids Develop a Positive Body Image from an Adolescent Binge Eating Disorder Treatment Center

Whatever a child’s shape, they can have either a positive or negative image of their body. Unfortunately, body image disorders in which a child has a persistently negative view of their body can start as early as preschool. And as we tell the parents and young people we work with at our adolescent binge eating disorder treatment center, once those negative views are established, they are difficult to correct.
Promoting a Positive Image
The key to helping kids grow up with a confident appreciation for their body is to start promoting the importance of a positive body image at an early age. Here are five tips for helping young people live happily in their body, whatever its shape and size:
  1. Emphasize health not weight. Is your child able to run and play with the energy and endurance they want to have? If not, what kinds of foods and eating habits would help fuel their body better? These are the kinds of food-related conversations you should have with your child. Read more from this blog.

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